Album: Our Daily Ukulele - Cheek & Charm - AFRO-107

#Nume piesaVersiune MelodieCompozitor
1LanieMainPaton Nic
2Moon WaltzMainPaton Nic
3Malay GassyMainPaton Nic
4Easy OverMainPaton Nic
5What And WhatsMainPaton Nic
6Mother'S TouchMainPaton Nic
7Short And SweetMainPaton Nic
8WelelaMainPaton Nic
9Cirque D'IlangaMainPaton Nic
10Monkey CMainPaton Nic
11Everyday MerciesMainPaton Nic
12Palm Wine DaysMainPaton Nic
13PalookaMainPaton Nic
14Lanie (Minimal)General_underscorePaton Nic
15Lanie (No Perc.)General_underscorePaton Nic
16LanieCommercialPaton Nic
17LanieCommercialPaton Nic
18Moon Waltz (Minimal)General_underscorePaton Nic
19Moon Waltz (No Vocal)General_underscorePaton Nic
20Moon WaltzCommercialPaton Nic
21Moon WaltzCommercialPaton Nic
22Malay Gassy (No Perc.)General_underscorePaton Nic
23Malay GassyCommercialPaton Nic
24Malay GassyCommercialPaton Nic
25Easy Over (No Perc.)General_underscorePaton Nic
26Easy OverCommercialPaton Nic
27Easy OverCommercialPaton Nic
28What And Whats (No Perc.)General_underscorePaton Nic
29What And WhatsCommercialPaton Nic
30What And WhatsCommercialPaton Nic
31Mother'S Touch (Minimal)General_underscorePaton Nic
32Mother'S TouchCommercialPaton Nic
33Mother'S TouchCommercialPaton Nic
34Short And Sweet (Minimal)General_underscorePaton Nic
35Short And SweetCommercialPaton Nic
36Welela (Minimal)General_underscorePaton Nic
37Welela (No Vocal)General_underscorePaton Nic
38Welela (Bongos)General_underscorePaton Nic
39WelelaCommercialPaton Nic
40WelelaCommercialPaton Nic
41Cirque D'Ilanga (Minimal)General_underscorePaton Nic
42Cirque D'Ilanga (No Perc.)General_underscorePaton Nic
43Cirque D'IlangaCommercialPaton Nic
44Cirque D'IlangaCommercialPaton Nic
45Monkey C (Minimal)General_underscorePaton Nic
46Monkey C (No Drums)General_underscorePaton Nic
47Monkey C ACommercialPaton Nic
48Monkey C BCommercialPaton Nic
49Monkey CCommercialPaton Nic
50Everyday Mercies (Minimal)General_underscorePaton Nic
51Everyday MerciesCommercialPaton Nic
52Everyday MerciesCommercialPaton Nic
53Palm Wine Days (Minimal)General_underscorePaton Nic
54Palm Wine Days (No Vocal)General_underscorePaton Nic
55Palm Wine Days ACommercialPaton Nic
56Palm Wine Days BCommercialPaton Nic
57Palm Wine DaysCommercialPaton Nic
58Palooka (No Drums)General_underscorePaton Nic
59PalookaCommercialPaton Nic
60PalookaCommercialPaton Nic