Album: Aerodynamic 3 - ALL197

#Nume piesaVersiune MelodieCompozitorBPM
1Catch Your EyeMainJake Edwards115
2Aspire To GreatnessMainJake Edwards90
3AutomaticMainDavid Staniforth150
4Cool And CollectedMainJake Edwards88
5Do It In StyleMainJake Edwards100
6Chilled VibeMainDavid Staniforth96
7Life Of LuxuryMainJake Edwards99
8Dream WaveMainJake Edwards95
9Fast LapMainDavid Staniforth114
10Elegant MovementMainDavid Staniforth96
11Catch Your EyeAlternate, No Vox SamplesJake Edwards115
12Catch Your Eye30secJake Edwards115
13Catch Your EyeStem Main SynthJake Edwards115
14Catch Your EyeStem KeysJake Edwards115
15Catch Your EyeStem Vox SamplesJake Edwards115
16Catch Your EyeStem BassJake Edwards115
17Catch Your EyeStem DrumsJake Edwards115
18Aspire To GreatnessAlternate, No Vox SamplesJake Edwards90
19Aspire To Greatness30secJake Edwards90
20Aspire To GreatnessStem SynthsJake Edwards90
21Aspire To GreatnessStem Vox SamplesJake Edwards90
22Aspire To GreatnessStem BassJake Edwards90
23Aspire To GreatnessStem DrumsJake Edwards90
24Automatic30secDavid Staniforth150
25AutomaticStem SynthDavid Staniforth150
26AutomaticStem BassDavid Staniforth150
27AutomaticStem DrumsDavid Staniforth150
28Cool And CollectedUnderscoreJake Edwards88
29Cool And Collected30secJake Edwards88
30Cool And CollectedStem GuitarJake Edwards88
31Cool And CollectedStem Synth ArpJake Edwards88
32Cool And CollectedStem Choir GlockJake Edwards88
33Cool And CollectedStem BassJake Edwards88
34Cool And CollectedStem DrumsJake Edwards88
35Do It In StyleUnderscoreJake Edwards100
36Do It In Style30secJake Edwards100
37Do It In StyleStem Lead SynthJake Edwards100
38Do It In StyleStem SynthsJake Edwards100
39Do It In StyleStem GuitarJake Edwards100
40Do It In StyleStem BassJake Edwards100
41Do It In StyleStem DrumsJake Edwards100
42Chilled VibeUnderscoreDavid Staniforth96
43Chilled Vibe30secDavid Staniforth96
44Chilled VibeStem SynthsDavid Staniforth96
45Chilled VibeStem Vox SamplesDavid Staniforth96
46Chilled VibeStem BassDavid Staniforth96
47Chilled VibeStem DrumsDavid Staniforth96
48Life Of LuxuryUnderscoreJake Edwards99
49Life Of Luxury30secJake Edwards99
50Life Of LuxuryStem GuitarJake Edwards99
51Life Of LuxuryStem SynthsJake Edwards99
52Life Of LuxuryStem BassJake Edwards99
53Life Of LuxuryStem DrumsJake Edwards99
54Dream WaveAlternate, No SynthsJake Edwards95
55Dream Wave30secJake Edwards95
56Dream WaveStem SynthsJake Edwards95
57Dream WaveStem SamplesJake Edwards95
58Dream WaveStem BassJake Edwards95
59Dream WaveStem DrumsJake Edwards95
60Fast LapAlternate, No Vox SamplesDavid Staniforth114
61Fast Lap30secDavid Staniforth114
62Fast LapStem SynthsDavid Staniforth114
63Fast LapStem Vox SamplesDavid Staniforth114
64Fast LapStem BassDavid Staniforth114
65Fast LapStem DrumsDavid Staniforth114
66Elegant Movement30secDavid Staniforth96
67Elegant MovementStem SynthsDavid Staniforth96
68Elegant MovementStem BassDavid Staniforth96
69Elegant MovementStem DrumsDavid Staniforth96