Album: Sparse Electro Drama - AD2123

#Nume piesaVersiune MelodieCompozitorBPM
1BarrenFull MixTim Butcher70
2ConcealedFull MixTim Butcher144
3FluctuateFull MixTim ButcherNa
4Brighter DaysFull MixTim Butcher120
5Orbital AxisFull MixTim Butcher151
6The Torments Of InsanityFull MixTim Butcher150
7Twisted ThoughtsFull MixTim Butcher148
8Home FreeFull MixTim Butcher102
9Lost For TimeFull MixTim Butcher112
10Trouble FollowsFull MixTim Butcher90
11ResonateFull MixTim Butcher86
12UnsettledFull MixTim Butcher83
13Broken SpectreFull MixTim Butcher81
14The Other SideFull MixTim Butcher81
15HollowFull MixTim ButcherNa
16VacantFull MixTim Butcher74
17Barren30 SecondsTim Butcher70
18Barren30 SecondsTim Butcher70
19Barren15 SecondsTim Butcher70
20BarrenStingTim Butcher70
21Concealed30 SecondsTim Butcher144
22Concealed30 SecondsTim Butcher144
23Concealed15 SecondsTim Butcher144
24Fluctuate30 SecondsTim ButcherNa
25Brighter Days30 SecondsTim Butcher120
26Brighter Days30 SecondsTim Butcher120
27Brighter Days15 SecondsTim Butcher120
28Brighter DaysStingTim Butcher120
29Orbital Axis30 SecondsTim Butcher151
30Orbital Axis15 SecondsTim Butcher151
31Orbital AxisStingTim Butcher151
32The Torments Of Insanity30 SecondsTim Butcher150
33The Torments Of Insanity30 SecondsTim Butcher150
34The Torments Of Insanity15 SecondsTim Butcher150
35The Torments Of InsanityStingTim Butcher150
36Twisted Thoughts30 SecondsTim Butcher148
37Twisted Thoughts15 SecondsTim Butcher148
38Home Free30 SecondsTim Butcher102
39Home Free30 SecondsTim Butcher102
40Home Free15 SecondsTim Butcher102
41Lost For Time30 SecondsTim Butcher112
42Lost For Time15 SecondsTim Butcher112
43Lost For TimeStingTim Butcher112
44Trouble Follows30 SecondsTim Butcher90
45Trouble Follows15 SecondsTim Butcher90
46Resonate0 SecondsTim Butcher86
47Resonate15 SecondsTim Butcher86
48Unsettled30 SecondsTim Butcher83
49Unsettled15 SecondsTim Butcher83
50UnsettledStingTim Butcher83
51Broken Spectre30 SecondsTim Butcher81
52Broken Spectre30 SecondsTim Butcher81
53Broken Spectre15 SecondsTim Butcher81
54The Other Side30 SecondsTim Butcher81
55The Other Side30 SecondsTim Butcher81
56The Other Side15 secondsTim Butcher81
57Hollow30 SecondsTim ButcherNa
58Hollow15 SecondsTim ButcherNa
59Vacant30 SecondsTim Butcher74
60Vacant30 SecondsTim Butcher74
61Vacant15 secondsTim Butcher74
62BarrenAlternative MixTim Butcher70
63ConcealedUnderscoreTim Butcher144
64FluctuateUnderscoreTim ButcherNa
65Brighter DaysUnderscoreTim Butcher120
66Orbital AxisUnderscoreTim Butcher151
67The Torments Of InsanityUnderscoreTim Butcher150
68Twisted ThoughtsUnderscoreTim Butcher148
69Home FreeUnderscoreTim Butcher102
70Lost For TimeUnderscoreTim Butcher112
71Trouble FollowsUnderscoreTim Butcher90
72ResonateUnderscoreTim Butcher86
73UnsettledUnderscoreTim Butcher83
74Broken SpectreUnderscoreTim Butcher81
75The Other SideUnderscoreTim Butcher81
76The Other SideUnderscoreTim Butcher81
77HollowUnderscoreTim ButcherNa
78VacantUnderscoreTim Butcher74
79VacantUnderscoreTim Butcher74
80BarrenUnderscoreTim Butcher70
81FluctuateUnderscoreTim ButcherNa
82Brighter DaysUnderscoreTim Butcher120
83Orbital AxisUnderscoreTim Butcher151
84Trouble FollowsUnderscoreTim Butcher90
85UnsettledUnderscoreTim Butcher83