Album: Teleportal (Eerie Tense Underscore) - STYE780

#Nume piesaVersiune MelodieCompozitorTempoBPM
1Premeditated 132Bpm C#mRishad KothawalaSlow132
2Devil's Kettle 140Bpm FmRishad KothawalaMid Tempo140
3Equation 80Bpm AmRishad KothawalaMid Tempo80
4Controlled Environment 92Bpm DmRishad KothawalaMid Tempo92
5The Source 80Bpm GmRishad KothawalaSlow80
6Artificial Horizon 130Bpm AmRishad KothawalaSlow130
7Black Light 100Bpm C#mRishad KothawalaSlow100
8Free World Answer 130Bpm GRishad KothawalaMid Tempo130
9Teleportal 118Bpm F#mRishad KothawalaMid Tempo118
10A Chamber Of Mirrors 130Bpm GmRishad KothawalaMid Tempo130
11Premeditated 132Bpm C#mBraam STEMRishad KothawalaSlow132
12Premeditated 132Bpm C#mCrotales STEMRishad KothawalaSlow132
13Premeditated 132Bpm C#mPiano STEMRishad KothawalaSlow132
14Premeditated 132Bpm C#mPlucks Texture STEMRishad KothawalaSlow132
15Premeditated 132Bpm C#mTextures STEMRishad KothawalaSlow132
16Premeditated 132Bpm C#mVocals STEMRishad KothawalaSlow132
17Premeditated 132Bpm C#mWoosh FX STEMRishad KothawalaSlow132
18Devil's Kettle 140Bpm FmArp STEMRishad KothawalaMid Tempo140
19Devil's Kettle 140Bpm FmBass STEMRishad KothawalaMid Tempo140
20Devil's Kettle 140Bpm FmBreeze STEMRishad KothawalaMid Tempo140
21Devil's Kettle 140Bpm FmPads STEMRishad KothawalaMid Tempo140
22Devil's Kettle 140Bpm FmPercussion STEMRishad KothawalaMid Tempo140
23Devil's Kettle 140Bpm FmPsy Synth STEMRishad KothawalaMid Tempo140
24Devil's Kettle 140Bpm FmShaker STEMRishad KothawalaMid Tempo140
25Devil's Kettle 140Bpm FmStrings Riser STEMRishad KothawalaMid Tempo140
26Devil's Kettle 140Bpm FmSynth FX STEMRishad KothawalaMid Tempo140
27Devil's Kettle 140Bpm FmSynth STEMRishad KothawalaMid Tempo140
28Devil's Kettle 140Bpm FmTimpani FX STEMRishad KothawalaMid Tempo140
29Devil's Kettle 140Bpm FmTimpani STEMRishad KothawalaMid Tempo140
30Devil's Kettle 140Bpm FmTonal Texture STEMRishad KothawalaMid Tempo140
31Devil's Kettle 140Bpm FmVocal FX STEMRishad KothawalaMid Tempo140
32Equation 80Bpm AmDrums STEMRishad KothawalaMid Tempo80
33Equation 80Bpm AmPiano STEMRishad KothawalaMid Tempo80
34Equation 80Bpm AmRhythm FX STEMRishad KothawalaMid Tempo80
35Equation 80Bpm AmStrings Ostinato STEMRishad KothawalaMid Tempo80
36Equation 80Bpm AmStrings Texture STEMRishad KothawalaMid Tempo80
37Equation 80Bpm AmSynth Textures STEMRishad KothawalaMid Tempo80
38Equation 80Bpm AmTextures STEMRishad KothawalaMid Tempo80
39Equation 80Bpm AmTransition FX STEMRishad KothawalaMid Tempo80
40Equation 80Bpm AmTransitions STEMRishad KothawalaMid Tempo80
41Equation 80Bpm AmViolin Drone STEMRishad KothawalaMid Tempo80
42Equation 80Bpm AmVocal FX STEMRishad KothawalaMid Tempo80
43Controlled Environment 92Bpm DmCymbals STEMRishad KothawalaMid Tempo92
44Controlled Environment 92Bpm DmEnsemble Intro & Outro STEMRishad KothawalaMid Tempo92
45Controlled Environment 92Bpm DmRiser Strings STEMRishad KothawalaMid Tempo92
46Controlled Environment 92Bpm DmStrings Arp 2 STEMRishad KothawalaMid Tempo92
47Controlled Environment 92Bpm DmStrings Arp STEMRishad KothawalaMid Tempo92
48Controlled Environment 92Bpm DmSynth Arp 2 STEMRishad KothawalaMid Tempo92
49Controlled Environment 92Bpm DmSynth Arp 3 STEMRishad KothawalaMid Tempo92
50Controlled Environment 92Bpm DmSynth Arp 4 STEMRishad KothawalaMid Tempo92
51Controlled Environment 92Bpm DmSynth Arp STEMRishad KothawalaMid Tempo92
52Controlled Environment 92Bpm DmToms STEMRishad KothawalaMid Tempo92
53Controlled Environment 92Bpm DmViolin Collegno STEMRishad KothawalaMid Tempo92
54Controlled Environment 92Bpm DmViolin Drone STEMRishad KothawalaMid Tempo92
55Controlled Environment 92Bpm DmViolin Plucks STEMRishad KothawalaMid Tempo92
56The Source 80Bpm GmBraam STEMRishad KothawalaSlow80
57The Source 80Bpm GmEvolving Pulse STEMRishad KothawalaSlow80
58The Source 80Bpm GmMallets STEMRishad KothawalaSlow80
59The Source 80Bpm GmPiano STEMRishad KothawalaSlow80
60The Source 80Bpm GmSynth Bells STEMRishad KothawalaSlow80
61The Source 80Bpm GmTransitions STEMRishad KothawalaSlow80
62Artificial Horizon 130Bpm AmAmbient Rhythm STEMRishad KothawalaSlow130
63Artificial Horizon 130Bpm AmArp STEMRishad KothawalaSlow130
64Artificial Horizon 130Bpm AmDrums STEMRishad KothawalaSlow130
65Artificial Horizon 130Bpm AmEvolving Texture 2 STEMRishad KothawalaSlow130
66Artificial Horizon 130Bpm AmEvolving Texture STEMRishad KothawalaSlow130
67Artificial Horizon 130Bpm AmGuitar STEMRishad KothawalaSlow130
68Artificial Horizon 130Bpm AmSynth Strings STEMRishad KothawalaSlow130
69Artificial Horizon 130Bpm AmTransitions STEMRishad KothawalaSlow130
70Black Light 100Bpm C#mHaunting Texture STEMRishad KothawalaSlow100
71Black Light 100Bpm C#mRattle STEMRishad KothawalaSlow100
72Black Light 100Bpm C#mSleigh Bells STEMRishad KothawalaSlow100
73Black Light 100Bpm C#mSynth FX STEMRishad KothawalaSlow100
74Black Light 100Bpm C#mTexture STEMRishad KothawalaSlow100
75Black Light 100Bpm C#mThroat Singing STEMRishad KothawalaSlow100
76Black Light 100Bpm C#mVocal FX STEMRishad KothawalaSlow100
77Black Light 100Bpm C#mVocal Texture STEMRishad KothawalaSlow100
78Free World Answer 130Bpm GDowner STEMRishad KothawalaMid Tempo130
79Free World Answer 130Bpm GModulating Arp STEMRishad KothawalaMid Tempo130
80Free World Answer 130Bpm GRiser & Downer STEMRishad KothawalaMid Tempo130
81Free World Answer 130Bpm GStrings Pulse STEMRishad KothawalaMid Tempo130
82Free World Answer 130Bpm GSynth STEMRishad KothawalaMid Tempo130
83Free World Answer 130Bpm GSynth Strings STEMRishad KothawalaMid Tempo130
84Free World Answer 130Bpm GVocal FX STEMRishad KothawalaMid Tempo130
85Free World Answer 130Bpm GVocal FX 2 STEMRishad KothawalaMid Tempo130
86Teleportal 118Bpm F#mArp STEMRishad KothawalaMid Tempo118
87Teleportal 118Bpm F#mBass STEMRishad KothawalaMid Tempo118
88Teleportal 118Bpm F#mMusic Box STEMRishad KothawalaMid Tempo118
89Teleportal 118Bpm F#mPercussion STEMRishad KothawalaMid Tempo118
90Teleportal 118Bpm F#mSynth 2 STEMRishad KothawalaMid Tempo118
91Teleportal 118Bpm F#mSynth STEMRishad KothawalaMid Tempo118
92Teleportal 118Bpm F#mTransitions STEMRishad KothawalaMid Tempo118
93A Chamber Of Mirrors 130Bpm GmArp STEMRishad KothawalaMid Tempo130
94A Chamber Of Mirrors 130Bpm GmBrass & Timpani STEMRishad KothawalaMid Tempo130
95A Chamber Of Mirrors 130Bpm GmMallets STEMRishad KothawalaMid Tempo130
96A Chamber Of Mirrors 130Bpm GmMelodic Pads STEMRishad KothawalaMid Tempo130
97A Chamber Of Mirrors 130Bpm GmPads STEMRishad KothawalaMid Tempo130
98A Chamber Of Mirrors 130Bpm GmPiano STEMRishad KothawalaMid Tempo130
99A Chamber Of Mirrors 130Bpm GmPulse Bass STEMRishad KothawalaMid Tempo130
100A Chamber Of Mirrors 130Bpm GmPulse STEMRishad KothawalaMid Tempo130
101A Chamber Of Mirrors 130Bpm GmRiser Texture STEMRishad KothawalaMid Tempo130
102A Chamber Of Mirrors 130Bpm GmSynth Texture STEMRishad KothawalaMid Tempo130
103A Chamber Of Mirrors 130Bpm GmTonal Texture STEMRishad KothawalaMid Tempo130
104A Chamber Of Mirrors 130Bpm GmTransitions STEMRishad KothawalaMid Tempo130
105A Chamber Of Mirrors 130Bpm GmWind Chimes STEMRishad KothawalaMid Tempo130