Album: Martini Lounge - SCD-261

#Nume piesaVersiune MelodieCompozitor
1Me For YouMainOctet The Werner Brüggemann
2TargetMainEhrlinger Hans
2TargetMainBand Juan Erlando and his Latin
3The Happy MonsterMainCompany The Benny Simon Sound
4TijucaMainNarholz Gerhard
4TijucaMainOrchestra Hans Ehrlinger and his
5Happy JoseMainSound Kookie Freeman Velvet
6Mambo FantasticoMainGonzales Benito
7Curley ShirleyMainSieben Otto
7Curley ShirleyMainBand The Terence Yucca
8Jungle BabyMainEhrlinger Hans
8Jungle BabyMainBand Juan Erlando and his Latin
9Next PleaseMainOrchestra Hans Ehrlinger and his
10Speaking GuitarMainNarholz Gerhard
10Speaking GuitarMainLöffler Franz
11KonfettiMainShatterhand Mr.
12Place BleuMainEnsemble Rudi Risavy and his
13Harry'S BackMainOrchestra Hans Ehrlinger and his
14Caribbean FunMainEnsemble Rudi Risavy and his
15Thank YouMainOrchestra The Robert Wittman
16Bahia BabyMainTropical Luis Faraz' Ensemble
17Stars And GamesMainSaro Alf
17Stars And GamesMainRobbins Larry
18Melody For LoversMainOrchestra The Gerhard Narholz
19Italian SummerMainHaydegg Hendrik
19Italian SummerMainLöffler Franz
20Ready To SwingMainSound Kookie Freeman Velvet
21BatucadaMainGonzales Benito
22Beach BoyMainBand The George Winters
23Mexican FreewayMainRusch Armin
24Quicka NegraMainGonzales Benito
25CallisthenicsMainRobbins Larry
26LollipopMainSieben Otto
27Shopping CentreMainBand The George Winters
28Blow It UpMainRobbins Larry
29Dance Around The ClockMainOrchestra Simon Hardenbach and his