Album: Extreme Reality - ROCK-152

#Nume piesaVersiune MelodieCompozitor
1Ride The Waves AMainRaphael Michael A.
2Ride The Waves BCommercialRaphael Michael A.
3Ride The Waves CRythmic_underscoreRaphael Michael A.
4Ride The Waves DRythmic_underscoreRaphael Michael A.
5Skullbreaker AMainMarshall Django
6Skullbreaker BRythmic_underscore/commercialMarshall Django
7Skullbreaker CRythmic_underscoreMarshall Django
8Skullbreaker DGeneral_underscoreMarshall Django
9Extreme Reality AMainMorrissey Keith
10Extreme Reality BCommercialMorrissey Keith
11Extreme Reality CRythmic_underscoreMorrissey Keith
12Chasing Riffs AMainEpping John
13Chasing Riffs BCommercialEpping John
14Chasing Riffs CRythmic_underscoreEpping John
15Skid Out AMainRaphael Michael A.
16Skid Out BCommercialRaphael Michael A.
17Skid Out CGeneral_underscoreRaphael Michael A.
18Skid Out DGeneral_underscoreRaphael Michael A.
19Strain To The Max AMainFillip Alan
20Strain To The Max BCommercialFillip Alan
21The Scream AMainBehdad Darius
22The Scream BCommercialBehdad Darius
23The Scream CGeneral_underscoreBehdad Darius
24The Scream DBridges/commercialBehdad Darius
25The Scream EStingBehdad Darius
26Touchdown AMainMcKellar Max
27Touchdown BCommercialMcKellar Max
28Touchdown CRythmic_underscoreMcKellar Max
29Touchdown DBridges/commercialMcKellar Max
30Touchdown EStingMcKellar Max
31Keep On Rocking AMainMorrissey Keith
32Keep On Rocking BCommercialMorrissey Keith
33Keep On Rocking CRythmic_underscoreMorrissey Keith
34The Darker Side AMainFillip Alan
35The Darker Side BRythmic_underscoreFillip Alan
36The Darker Side CLightFillip Alan
37Synapse AMainHurdle Les
38Synapse BCommercialHurdle Les
39Metallic BeastMainSabol Armin
40Take One For The Team AMainMcKellar Max
41Take One For The Team BCommercialMcKellar Max
42Take One For The Team CRythmic_underscoreMcKellar Max
43Take One For The Team DBridges/commercialMcKellar Max
44Take One For The Team EStingMcKellar Max
45High Wire AMainRaphael Michael A.
46High Wire BCommercialRaphael Michael A.
47High Wire CRythmic_underscoreRaphael Michael A.
48High Wire DGeneral_underscoreRaphael Michael A.