Album: Goodies From The Cheese Shop 1 - Heavenly Strings - ISCD-200

#Nume piesaVersiune MelodieCompozitor
1Londonderry AirMainOrchestra Norman Candler & His
2Swiss JokeMainOrchestra Norman Candler & His
3Farewell SongMainOrchestra Norman Candler & His
4Daisy BellMainStrings Norman Candler & The Magic
5Barbara AllenMainOrchestra Norman Candler & His
6GreensleevesMainOrchestra Norman Candler & His
7Texas JamboreeMainOrchestra Norman Candler & His
8GuanabaraMainRautenberg The Continental Strings feat. Kai
9Sun DreamMainRautenberg The Continental Strings feat. Kai
9Sun DreamMainTape Tony
10Theme Of My LoveMainRautenberg The Continental Strings feat. Kai
10Theme Of My LoveMainTyski Jan
11Tropical SunriseMainRautenberg The Continental Strings feat. Kai
12Big Ben'S Daily SpecialMainRautenberg The Continental Strings feat. Kai
12Sugar DarlingMainBrandenburg Helmuth
12Golden DreamsMainCallert George
12Waltzing BootsMainGreffenius Gunter
13Glamour GirlMainRautenberg The Continental Strings feat. Kai
14IntercityMainOrchestra Helmuth Brandenburg and his
15Girls Of Paris, TheMainOrchestra Helmuth Brandenburg and his
16After EightMainOrchestra Manfred Minnich & His
17High In The SkyMainOrchestra Manfred Minnich & His
17Grand HotelMainAssner Fred
17Fun In The SunMainKoester Klaus
17Faded RoseMainCarl Michael
17Lucky LadyMainOrchestra Manfred Minnich & His
18Guaracha MuchachaMainBurdson Sammy
19Swinging GavotteMainOrchestra The Edmund Vera
20Holiday For TwoMainOrchestra The Edmund Vera
20SenorMainJussenhoven Gerhard
20Piano PoemMainMohr Gerhard
20Concerto MinimoMainMohr Gerhard
20PostillionMainOrchestra The Edmund Vera
20NoblesseMainMohr Gerhard
20Beautiful Day, AMainStanke Willi
20Early Morning MailMainNarholz Gerhard
21Funky FiddlesMainFiddy John
22GlynnyMainOrchestra John Fiddy & His
23Brazilian SunsetMainGoykovich The Georges Winter Orchestra feat. Dusko
24Coast To CoastMainGoykovich The Georges Winter Orchestra feat. Dusko
25Yankee ClipperMainGoykovich The Georges Winter Orchestra feat. Dusko
25City WeekMainPotella Georg
26Love AffairMainOrchestra Gerhard Narholz and his
27Dancing PuppetsMainOrchestra Gerhard Narholz and his
28Enjoy The TripMainOrchestra Gerhard Narholz and his
29For Lovers OnlyMainOrchestra Gerhard Narholz and his
29Day DreamsMainCarrasu Claude
29Memories Of MamaiaMainPetri Bert
29Pop MessageMainGigg Ulli
29Help Me Loving YouMainOrchestra Gerhard Narholz and his
29Sweet MelodyMainBrook Joe
29Miss NellyMainOverheidt Werner von
30Please Talk To MeMainDaxson Nils
31Memories Of J.S.B.MainOrchestra The Helmut Kirchgaessner
32MinuettoMainOrchestra The Helmut Kirchgaessner
33Rondo CapriciosoMainOrchestra The Helmut Kirchgaessner
34For You OnlyMainOrchestra The Helmut Kirchgaessner
35Serenade In CMainOrchestra The Helmut Kirchgaessner
36Oh HenryMainViolin-Band Mr. Shatterhand and his
37PearlyMainViolin-Band Mr. Shatterhand and his
38Tingel TangelMainViolin-Band Mr. Shatterhand and his
39Sun And FunMainGoykovich The Georges Winter Orchestra feat. Dusko
40Playa RomanticaMainGoykovich The Georges Winter Orchestra feat. Dusko
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