Album: Dieselpunk - AD2133

#Nume piesaVersiune MelodieCompozitorBPM
1Age Of SpeedFull MixGreg Grant140
2Art DecoFull MixGreg Grant and Christopher Soulos93
3Prohibition SwingFull MixGreg Grant150
4Beethoven The 5ThFull MixChristopher Soulos and Sean MacKenzie125
5Diesel EraFull MixGreg Grant105
6Retro FuturisticFull MixChristopher Soulos170
7Brave New WorldFull MixGreg Grant and Christopher Soulos126
8Deepest OceanFull MixChristopher Soulos and Sean MacKenzie161
9Mississippi QueenFull MixA.Donnelly 90%-M.Smith 5%-T.Fox 5%111
10InterbellumFull MixGreg Grant106
11Parallel UniverseFull MixChristopher Soulos120
12White LightFull MixChristopher Soulos122
13A Different TimeFull MixChristopher Soulos130
14Choose ShoesFull MixChristopher Soulos and Sean MacKenzie98
15Iron PantsFull MixChristopher Soulos and Sean MacKenzie174
16Age Of Speed30 SecondGreg Grant140
17Art Deco30 SecondGreg Grant and Christopher Soulos93
18Prohibition Swing30 SecondGreg Grant150
19Prohibition Swing30 SecondGreg Grant150
20Beethoven The 5Th30 SecondChristopher Soulos and Sean MacKenzie125
21Beethoven The 5Th30 SecondChristopher Soulos and Sean MacKenzie125
22Diesel Era30 SecondGreg Grant105
23Diesel Era30 SecondGreg Grant105
24Retro Futuristic30 SecondChristopher Soulos170
25Brave New World30 SecondGreg Grant and Christopher Soulos127
26Brave New World30 SecondGreg Grant and Christopher Soulos127
27Deepest Ocean30 SecondChristopher Soulos and Sean MacKenzie161
28Mississippi Queen30 SecondA.Donnelly 90%-M.Smith 5%-T.Fox 5%111
29Interbellum30 SecondGreg Grant106
30Parallel Universe30 SecondChristopher Soulos120
31White Light30 SecondChristopher Soulos122
32A Different Time30 SecondChristopher Soulos130
33Choose Shoes30 SecondChristopher Soulos and Sean MacKenzie98
34Iron Pants30 SecondChristopher Soulos and Sean MacKenzie174
35Iron Pants30 SecondChristopher Soulos and Sean MacKenzie174
36Age Of SpeedUnderscoreGreg Grant140
37Art DecoUnderscoreGreg Grant and Christopher Soulos93
38Prohibition SwingUnderscoreGreg Grant150
39Beethoven The 5ThUnderscoreChristopher Soulos125
40Diesel EraUnderscoreGreg Grant105
41Retro FuturisticUnderscoreChristopher Soulos170
42Brave New WorldUnderscoreGreg Grant and Christopher Soulos126
43Deepest OceanUnderscoreChristopher Soulos and Sean MacKenzie161
44InterbellumUnderscoreGreg Grant106
45Parallel UniverseUnderscoreChristopher Soulos120
46White LightUnderscoreChristopher Soulos122
47A Different TimeUnderscoreChristopher Soulos130
48Choose ShoesUnderscoreChristopher Soulos and Sean MacKenzie98
49Iron PantsUnderscoreChristopher Soulos and Sean MacKenzie174
50Mechanical AgeFull MixGreg Grant100
51Mechanical Age30 SecondGreg Grant100
52Mechanical AgeUnderscoreGreg Grant100
53Little SluggerFull MixChristopher Soulos70
54Little Slugger30 SecondChristopher Soulos70
55Little SluggerUnderscoreChristopher Soulos70
56Body MagnetsFull MixChristopher Soulos130
57Body Magnets30 SecondChristopher Soulos130
58Body Magnets30 SecondChristopher Soulos130
59Body MagnetsUnderscoreChristopher Soulos130
60Mariachi MachineryFull MixChristopher Soulos135
61Mariachi Machinery30 SecondChristopher Soulos135
62Mariachi Machinery30 SecondChristopher Soulos135
63Mariachi MachineryUnderscoreChristopher Soulos135
64Reading Is Fun In 7Full MixChristopher Soulos96
65Reading Is Fun In 730 SecondChristopher Soulos96
66Reading Is Fun In 730 SecondChristopher Soulos96
67Reading Is Fun In 7UnderscoreChristopher Soulos96
68Babbages MachineFull MixChristopher Soulos and Sean MacKenzie81
69Babbages Machine30 SecondChristopher Soulos and Sean MacKenzie81
70Babbages MachineUnderscoreChristopher Soulos and Sean MacKenzie81
71Prohibition SwingAlt verGreg Grant150