Album: 1807 (Tragic Dramatic Period Score) - STYE992

#Nume piesaVersiune MelodieCompozitorTempoBPM
1Beyond The Hills 160Bpm CmAngelos BitlisSlow160
1Beyond The Hills 160Bpm CmAngelos BitlisSlow160
2Desire 130Bpm CmAngelos BitlisSlow130
2Desire 130Bpm CmAngelos BitlisSlow130
3The Weeping Cello 125Bpm CmAngelos BitlisSlow125
3The Weeping Cello 125Bpm CmAngelos BitlisSlow125
4Moving Forward 120Bpm FmAngelos BitlisSlow120
4Moving Forward 120Bpm FmAngelos BitlisSlow120
5Awakening 115Bpm A#mAngelos BitlisSlow115
5Awakening 115Bpm A#mAngelos BitlisSlow115
6Divinity 135Bpm G#mAngelos BitlisSlow135
6Divinity 135Bpm G#mAngelos BitlisSlow135
7Floating 115Bpm G#mAngelos BitlisSlow115
7Floating 115Bpm G#mAngelos BitlisSlow115
8Memories AmAngelos BitlisSlow
8Memories AmAngelos BitlisSlow
9Promise 100Bpm CmAngelos BitlisSlow100
9Promise 100Bpm CmAngelos BitlisSlow100
10Under The Sun 85Bpm G#mAngelos BitlisSlow85
10Under The Sun 85Bpm G#mAngelos BitlisSlow85
11Beyond The Hills 160Bpm CmUnderscore MixAngelos BitlisSlow160
11Beyond The Hills 160Bpm CmUnderscore MixAngelos BitlisSlow160
12Beyond The Hills 160Bpm CmBass Strings STEMAngelos BitlisSlow160
12Beyond The Hills 160Bpm CmBass Strings STEMAngelos BitlisSlow160
13Beyond The Hills 160Bpm CmBrass STEMAngelos BitlisSlow160
13Beyond The Hills 160Bpm CmBrass STEMAngelos BitlisSlow160
14Beyond The Hills 160Bpm CmChoir STEMAngelos BitlisSlow160
14Beyond The Hills 160Bpm CmChoir STEMAngelos BitlisSlow160
15Beyond The Hills 160Bpm CmHigh Mid Strings STEMAngelos BitlisSlow160
15Beyond The Hills 160Bpm CmHigh Mid Strings STEMAngelos BitlisSlow160
16Beyond The Hills 160Bpm CmLow Mid Strings STEMAngelos BitlisSlow160
16Beyond The Hills 160Bpm CmLow Mid Strings STEMAngelos BitlisSlow160
17Beyond The Hills 160Bpm CmPads STEMAngelos BitlisSlow160
17Beyond The Hills 160Bpm CmPads STEMAngelos BitlisSlow160
18Beyond The Hills 160Bpm CmPercussion STEMAngelos BitlisSlow160
18Beyond The Hills 160Bpm CmPercussion STEMAngelos BitlisSlow160
19Beyond The Hills 160Bpm CmSolo Cellos STEMAngelos BitlisSlow160
19Beyond The Hills 160Bpm CmSolo Cellos STEMAngelos BitlisSlow160
20Beyond The Hills 160Bpm CmSolo Violin STEMAngelos BitlisSlow160
20Beyond The Hills 160Bpm CmSolo Violin STEMAngelos BitlisSlow160
21Beyond The Hills 160Bpm CmString Staccatos STEMAngelos BitlisSlow160
21Beyond The Hills 160Bpm CmString Staccatos STEMAngelos BitlisSlow160
22Desire 130Bpm CmUnderscore MixAngelos BitlisSlow130
22Desire 130Bpm CmUnderscore MixAngelos BitlisSlow130
23Desire 130Bpm CmBass Pad STEMAngelos BitlisSlow130
23Desire 130Bpm CmBass Pad STEMAngelos BitlisSlow130
24Desire 130Bpm CmBass Strings STEMAngelos BitlisSlow130
24Desire 130Bpm CmBass Strings STEMAngelos BitlisSlow130
25Desire 130Bpm CmBrass STEMAngelos BitlisSlow130
25Desire 130Bpm CmBrass STEMAngelos BitlisSlow130
26Desire 130Bpm CmFirst High & Mid Strings STEMAngelos BitlisSlow130
26Desire 130Bpm CmFirst High & Mid Strings STEMAngelos BitlisSlow130
27Desire 130Bpm CmPads & FX STEMAngelos BitlisSlow130
27Desire 130Bpm CmPads & FX STEMAngelos BitlisSlow130
28Desire 130Bpm CmPiano STEMAngelos BitlisSlow130
28Desire 130Bpm CmPiano STEMAngelos BitlisSlow130
29Desire 130Bpm CmPizzzcato Strings STEMAngelos BitlisSlow130
29Desire 130Bpm CmPizzzcato Strings STEMAngelos BitlisSlow130
30Desire 130Bpm CmSecond High & Mid Strings STEMAngelos BitlisSlow130
30Desire 130Bpm CmSecond High & Mid Strings STEMAngelos BitlisSlow130
31Desire 130Bpm CmSolo Cellos STEMAngelos BitlisSlow130
31Desire 130Bpm CmSolo Cellos STEMAngelos BitlisSlow130
32Desire 130Bpm CmThird High & Mid Strings STEMAngelos BitlisSlow130
32Desire 130Bpm CmThird High & Mid Strings STEMAngelos BitlisSlow130
33Desire 130Bpm CmTympani STEMAngelos BitlisSlow130
33Desire 130Bpm CmTympani STEMAngelos BitlisSlow130
34The Weeping Cello 125Bpm CmUnderscore MixAngelos BitlisSlow125
34The Weeping Cello 125Bpm CmUnderscore MixAngelos BitlisSlow125
35The Weeping Cello 125Bpm CmBasses STEMAngelos BitlisSlow125
35The Weeping Cello 125Bpm CmBasses STEMAngelos BitlisSlow125
36The Weeping Cello 125Bpm CmCellos STEMAngelos BitlisSlow125
36The Weeping Cello 125Bpm CmCellos STEMAngelos BitlisSlow125
37The Weeping Cello 125Bpm CmPads & Strings STEMAngelos BitlisSlow125
37The Weeping Cello 125Bpm CmPads & Strings STEMAngelos BitlisSlow125
38The Weeping Cello 125Bpm CmPiano STEMAngelos BitlisSlow125
38The Weeping Cello 125Bpm CmPiano STEMAngelos BitlisSlow125
39The Weeping Cello 125Bpm CmTympani STEMAngelos BitlisSlow125
39The Weeping Cello 125Bpm CmTympani STEMAngelos BitlisSlow125
40The Weeping Cello 125Bpm CmViolins & Violas STEMAngelos BitlisSlow125
40The Weeping Cello 125Bpm CmViolins & Violas STEMAngelos BitlisSlow125
41Moving Forward 120Bpm FmUnderscore MixAngelos BitlisSlow125
41Moving Forward 120Bpm FmUnderscore MixAngelos BitlisSlow125
42Moving Forward 120Bpm FmBass Pads FX STEMAngelos BitlisSlow120
42Moving Forward 120Bpm FmBass Pads FX STEMAngelos BitlisSlow120
43Moving Forward 120Bpm FmBrass STEMAngelos BitlisSlow120
43Moving Forward 120Bpm FmBrass STEMAngelos BitlisSlow120
44Moving Forward 120Bpm FmChoir STEMAngelos BitlisSlow120
44Moving Forward 120Bpm FmChoir STEMAngelos BitlisSlow120
45Moving Forward 120Bpm FmHigh & Mid Strings STEMAngelos BitlisSlow120
45Moving Forward 120Bpm FmHigh & Mid Strings STEMAngelos BitlisSlow120
46Moving Forward 120Bpm FmLow Strings STEMAngelos BitlisSlow120
46Moving Forward 120Bpm FmLow Strings STEMAngelos BitlisSlow120
47Moving Forward 120Bpm FmPads STEMAngelos BitlisSlow120
47Moving Forward 120Bpm FmPads STEMAngelos BitlisSlow120
48Moving Forward 120Bpm FmPercussion STEMAngelos BitlisSlow120
48Moving Forward 120Bpm FmPercussion STEMAngelos BitlisSlow120
49Moving Forward 120Bpm FmPiano STEMAngelos BitlisSlow120
49Moving Forward 120Bpm FmPiano STEMAngelos BitlisSlow120
50Moving Forward 120Bpm FmSolo Cello STEMAngelos BitlisSlow120
50Moving Forward 120Bpm FmSolo Cello STEMAngelos BitlisSlow120
51Moving Forward 120Bpm FmSolo Violin STEMAngelos BitlisSlow120
51Moving Forward 120Bpm FmSolo Violin STEMAngelos BitlisSlow120
52Moving Forward 120Bpm FmSpiccato Strings STEMAngelos BitlisSlow120
52Moving Forward 120Bpm FmSpiccato Strings STEMAngelos BitlisSlow120
53Awakening 115Bpm A#mUnderscore MixAngelos BitlisSlow115
53Awakening 115Bpm A#mUnderscore MixAngelos BitlisSlow115
54Awakening 115Bpm A#mBasses & Cellos STEMAngelos BitlisSlow115
54Awakening 115Bpm A#mBasses & Cellos STEMAngelos BitlisSlow115
55Awakening 115Bpm A#mBrass STEMAngelos BitlisSlow115
55Awakening 115Bpm A#mBrass STEMAngelos BitlisSlow115
56Awakening 115Bpm A#mMid & High Strings STEMAngelos BitlisSlow115
56Awakening 115Bpm A#mMid & High Strings STEMAngelos BitlisSlow115
57Awakening 115Bpm A#mPads STEMAngelos BitlisSlow115
57Awakening 115Bpm A#mPads STEMAngelos BitlisSlow115
58Awakening 115Bpm A#mPiano STEMAngelos BitlisSlow115
58Awakening 115Bpm A#mPiano STEMAngelos BitlisSlow115
59Awakening 115Bpm A#mTympani & Bells STEMAngelos BitlisSlow115
59Awakening 115Bpm A#mTympani & Bells STEMAngelos BitlisSlow115
60Divinity 135Bpm G#mUnderscore MixAngelos BitlisSlow135
60Divinity 135Bpm G#mUnderscore MixAngelos BitlisSlow135
61Divinity 135Bpm G#mBass Strings STEMAngelos BitlisSlow135
61Divinity 135Bpm G#mBass Strings STEMAngelos BitlisSlow135
62Divinity 135Bpm G#mBrass STEMAngelos BitlisSlow135
62Divinity 135Bpm G#mBrass STEMAngelos BitlisSlow135
63Divinity 135Bpm G#mHigh & Mid Strings STEMAngelos BitlisSlow135
63Divinity 135Bpm G#mHigh & Mid Strings STEMAngelos BitlisSlow135
64Divinity 135Bpm G#mPads & FX STEMAngelos BitlisSlow135
64Divinity 135Bpm G#mPads & FX STEMAngelos BitlisSlow135
65Divinity 135Bpm G#mPercussion STEMAngelos BitlisSlow135
65Divinity 135Bpm G#mPercussion STEMAngelos BitlisSlow135
66Divinity 135Bpm G#mPiano STEMAngelos BitlisSlow135
66Divinity 135Bpm G#mPiano STEMAngelos BitlisSlow135
67Divinity 135Bpm G#mStrings Spiccato STEMAngelos BitlisSlow135
67Divinity 135Bpm G#mStrings Spiccato STEMAngelos BitlisSlow135
68Floating 115Bpm G#mUnderscore MixAngelos BitlisSlow115
68Floating 115Bpm G#mUnderscore MixAngelos BitlisSlow115
69Floating 115Bpm G#mBrass STEMAngelos BitlisSlow115
69Floating 115Bpm G#mBrass STEMAngelos BitlisSlow115
70Floating 115Bpm G#mLow Strings STEMAngelos BitlisSlow115
70Floating 115Bpm G#mLow Strings STEMAngelos BitlisSlow115
71Floating 115Bpm G#mMid & High Strings STEMAngelos BitlisSlow115
71Floating 115Bpm G#mMid & High Strings STEMAngelos BitlisSlow115
72Floating 115Bpm G#mPads & Strings STEMAngelos BitlisSlow115
72Floating 115Bpm G#mPads & Strings STEMAngelos BitlisSlow115
73Floating 115Bpm G#mPiano STEMAngelos BitlisSlow115
73Floating 115Bpm G#mPiano STEMAngelos BitlisSlow115
74Memories AmUnderscore MixAngelos BitlisSlow
74Memories AmUnderscore MixAngelos BitlisSlow
75Memories AmBrass STEMAngelos BitlisSlow
75Memories AmBrass STEMAngelos BitlisSlow
76Memories AmLow Strings STEMAngelos BitlisSlow
76Memories AmLow Strings STEMAngelos BitlisSlow
77Memories AmMid & High Strings STEMAngelos BitlisSlow
77Memories AmMid & High Strings STEMAngelos BitlisSlow
78Memories AmPads STEMAngelos BitlisSlow
78Memories AmPads STEMAngelos BitlisSlow
79Memories AmPiano STEMAngelos BitlisSlow
79Memories AmPiano STEMAngelos BitlisSlow
80Memories AmSolo Cellos STEMAngelos BitlisSlow
80Memories AmSolo Cellos STEMAngelos BitlisSlow
81Memories AmTympani & Bells STEMAngelos BitlisSlow
81Memories AmTympani & Bells STEMAngelos BitlisSlow
82Promise 100Bpm CmUnderscore MixAngelos BitlisSlow100
82Promise 100Bpm CmUnderscore MixAngelos BitlisSlow100
83Promise 100Bpm CmBrass STEMAngelos BitlisSlow100
83Promise 100Bpm CmBrass STEMAngelos BitlisSlow100
84Promise 100Bpm CmHigh & Mid Strings STEMAngelos BitlisSlow100
84Promise 100Bpm CmHigh & Mid Strings STEMAngelos BitlisSlow100
85Promise 100Bpm CmLow Strings Basses STEMAngelos BitlisSlow100
85Promise 100Bpm CmLow Strings Basses STEMAngelos BitlisSlow100
86Promise 100Bpm CmPads STEMAngelos BitlisSlow100
86Promise 100Bpm CmPads STEMAngelos BitlisSlow100
87Promise 100Bpm CmPercussion STEMAngelos BitlisSlow100
87Promise 100Bpm CmPercussion STEMAngelos BitlisSlow100
88Promise 100Bpm CmPiano STEMAngelos BitlisSlow100
88Promise 100Bpm CmPiano STEMAngelos BitlisSlow100
89Under The Sun 85Bpm G#mUnderscore MixAngelos BitlisSlow85
89Under The Sun 85Bpm G#mUnderscore MixAngelos BitlisSlow85
90Under The Sun 85Bpm G#mBasses STEMAngelos BitlisSlow85
90Under The Sun 85Bpm G#mBasses STEMAngelos BitlisSlow85
91Under The Sun 85Bpm G#mBrass STEMAngelos BitlisSlow85
91Under The Sun 85Bpm G#mBrass STEMAngelos BitlisSlow85
92Under The Sun 85Bpm G#mHigh & Mid Strings First Section STEMAngelos BitlisSlow85
92Under The Sun 85Bpm G#mHigh & Mid Strings First Section STEMAngelos BitlisSlow85
93Under The Sun 85Bpm G#mHigh & Mid Strings Second Section STEMAngelos BitlisSlow85
93Under The Sun 85Bpm G#mHigh & Mid Strings Second Section STEMAngelos BitlisSlow85
94Under The Sun 85Bpm G#mPads STEMAngelos BitlisSlow85
94Under The Sun 85Bpm G#mPads STEMAngelos BitlisSlow85
95Under The Sun 85Bpm G#mSolo Cellos STEMAngelos BitlisSlow85
95Under The Sun 85Bpm G#mSolo Cellos STEMAngelos BitlisSlow85
96Under The Sun 85Bpm G#mTuba STEMAngelos BitlisSlow85
96Under The Sun 85Bpm G#mTuba STEMAngelos BitlisSlow85
97Under The Sun 85Bpm G#mTympani STEMAngelos BitlisSlow85
97Under The Sun 85Bpm G#mTympani STEMAngelos BitlisSlow85